© Ulrich Wüst
© Ulrich Wüst

05.06.1950, Born in Kerkrade ( the Netherlands ) / Belgian nationality


1963 – 1964 Evening and Week-End School Photography K.A.B. Ostend / Belgium 


1970 – 1973 R.I.T.C.S Brussels Film School


1973 – 1979 Cameraman V.R.T. Belgian Television Brussels Belgium


1979 – 1983 Cameraman WDR Cologne Germany


1983 – 1987 Cinematographer and Director Bavaria Studios Munich Germany


1987 – 1994 Freelance Cinematographer and Director


1992 – 1993 Lecturer at the Filmakademie Baden-Würtemberg Subject: D.O.P Director of Photography,Cinematographer


1994 – 2005 Founder and Managing Director of the D&D Film- und

 Fernsehproduktions GmbH Cologne Germany and the subsidiary 

 companies Memento Film Cologne,  Memento Film Berlin, 2MBD Cologne and D&D Platinum Johannesburg South Africa


2006 – 2011  Developer, Founder, shareholder and C.E.O of the Entertainment Masterclass gGmbH / Berlin 


Since 2011 : Consultant / Photographer / Artist works and lives in Berlin and Großenbrode



Prizes, awards  and nominations for film and television works ( selection )


1998 : „Der Dicke und der Belgier“ nomination for the Rose d'Or Lucerne Switzerland for  best comedyseries


1998: „Der Pullover“ Shortfilm, various nominations for Filmfestivals

German filmaward – Hessian Film Award-  Filmaward  -Short Filmfestival     Oberhausen City Web Price. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgBrtZkyAYA


1999 : „Badesalz: Comedy Stories“ nomination Rose d'Or Lucern Switzerland for  best  comedyseries


2001 : „Hessi James“ Short animated film nominated for the Student - Academy Award Los Angeles / USA


2003 : „Der Anwalt und sein Gast“ Feature Film German Television award for best directing, camera, film editing and best music Golden Nymph Monte Carlo for the best European main Actor (Götz George) 


2005 : „ Schöne Frauen“ feature film  nomination, second price and opening film film Filmfestival Emden and nominated in Saarbrücken 


For Photography:

2015 : Nomination and exhibition participation Schömberger Fotoherbst.

2016 : Nomination and exhibition "Heroes" Olympus Fotoconvention Zingst / Photokina Köln

2018 : Nomination and exhibition Unesco "Human Rights. My rights. Your rights. Resolved" Federal Foreign Office / Berlin  Nürberger Menschenrechtzentrum e.V. . Touring exhibition in all major German cities

2018 : Nomination and exhibition "Voix Visuelle" Ottawa / Canada


Publications:  "Every Day a Photo" "Sascha Dietrich; "Neudeutsche Küche " ,"100 New Yorker und Donald Trump"  "Das verlorene Paradies"

Exhibitions (extract);  Bad Schwartau, Lübeck, Berlin, Fehmarn, Eutin, Schomberg, Nürnberg, Ottawa (Canada), Erlangen, Hamburg-Brahmfeld, Bad Bevensen